Simple mind

Simple mind

September 5, 2018

Simple mind. Thinks anytime, anything. But what does a simple mind really thinks when faced with a down website?

Imagine yourself, you are sitting down at home after a long long day at work. You have had your coffee with you and you just can't wait to plan this calming vacation after waiting for months and months. Don't get too excited, there is a surprise waiting for you on the other side of the screen. Apparently, you can't reach the website you were supposed to book everything from. Okaaay, you will try it later on again. Maybe it is the time for some shopping afterwards. That dress that you would die for right? Click click click… Hmm, this is weird. Not accessible again? Maybe the universe does not want you to spend some money online. Then let's check what are your friends up to? Yes, social media! Best way to reach and communicate with other people. Ugh, poor you. The website is down and you seem to be getting angry. Do you know what would be even worse? Realising that your website has also been down for many hours and without any notice, you have lost so many customers meanwhile. How would it make you feel?

Okay, don't get upset so soon, let us change the story a bit!

In the morning you have heard of this service of uptime monitoring for your online website. You look for it and give it a try. The whole day was quite usual except the first alert you received from WebGazer, your website monitoring service. IT Team takes over and fixes the website as soon as possible. Nothing that complicated nor causing you any harm. You go home afterwards, book your dream vacation, do some shopping for it online and even congratulate your old friend who apparently got his Ph.D. completed finally. Feels good right? Not only you did not face any problem but also you had the chance to add up to your beautiful day.

The story does not have to be as in the first case.

Just imagine a world where each and every website is running up when you try to reach.

It is not a dream, could be the reality now. Including your own online service!

Get neither yourself nor your customers upset. Because all of us would really appreciate a big cup of coffee and some chill time in the evening without facing any 404 or “We’ll be back!” message.

It is 2018, the internet is everywhere.

Thus, monitor your website now!

Give it a try 🙂