How I got my job in WebGazer on the day I learned that it existed

How I got my job in WebGazer on the day I learned that it existed

August 1, 2018

Yes, you heard it right. They both happened on the same day. I had no idea about WebGazer a few months ago, and now I am a part of it! It all started when a friend of mine texted me that he wanted some help. I said okay, but honestly, I did not think that it would become my new job. Before this, I was working voluntarily in a student organization as Instagram responsible and Public Relations Committee member, so I knew some stuff. Working there for 2 years voluntarily, taught me more than I thought. It used to be my hobby, now it became my job and as I keep working at WebGazer, I feel like I will learn more and get better each day.

So, what is my job after all? My first task at WebGazer was to do research. Research about everything: others in the field, SaaS, WebGazer, how to do digital marketing and so on. After that, I realized that I like doing research and gathering results out of them. For every task I've had, I was first researching, then preparing some documents including my conclusions. At that point, I became a business analyst for WebGazer.

How did I accept even though I had no clue about my future job? Actually, I was confident in myself since I have been doing this for two years now. Still, my part was not clear enough for me to say "ABSOLUTELY YES!" Anyway, the people I was talking to, they were really nice to me and I thought it would be a great chance for me to try something new. We had a friendly chat including the introduction of ourselves and WebGazer. The first time I've heard of WebGazer was back then. Altan and Gokhan were like a friend to me although we just met there and I have always liked the places where I can be comfortable because that is where I can truly work efficiently. So, I accepted working with them there!

It's been over a month now, and I love working for WebGazer. It is such a great atmosphere! Being a part of a growing start-up and hopefully transforming it into a big company excites us all. This is the common point of WebGazer Team whose members are all different from each other. We all try to get together on Mondays, face-to-face or online, to brainstorm for WebGazer to make it better each day!

This has been a diary-like blog post, but I wanted to share my experience and tell everyone about our conditions in which we try to manage some stuff and survive in the wild business world.

Defne Nur Ayyildiz, Business Analyst at WebGazer