
Performance monitoring

Table of contents
  1. Enabling performance monitoring
  2. Getting alerted in case of underperformance

Performance monitoring eases maintaining mission-critical services by not only alerting you when the service goes down but also informing you when the service performance degrades. Degraded performance can cause a bad user experience, or it even might be foreshadowing a future downtime.

Let's say your service generally responds in 300 milliseconds, and a higher response time requires attention. But getting notified of every single response with a response time greater than 300 milliseconds would be very noisy. Connection hiccups or momentary issues would cause pointless notifications. But if the service keeps responding late for a particular time, then most probably, there is really an issue.

Performance monitoring feature is available for plans Pro and Business. See pricing.

Enabling performance monitoring

You can enable performance monitoring on the gazer's settings.

There are 3 parameters that need to be set:

  • Number of responses required to mark gazer as underperforming
  • The time window for checking response times
  • Response time limit

Enabling performance monitoring

Getting alerted in case of underperformance

Alerts have specific configuration options for underperformance, just like downtime. Please see alerts documentation for details.